Tenx9 photos from Greenbelt 2013. What a wonderful few nights. If you have photos from either of the tenx9 nights, tweet us (@tenx9) or email us (tenbynine @ gmail . com) and we will put them up.

Thanks to all our storytellers and story listeners.

Thanks too, to Trust Greenbelt, Outerspace and the Literature Hub.

AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama

We are delighted to return to the loveliness of Greenbelt at the end of August 2013. We will have two evenings of 10x9 storytelling in the Literature Hub at the festival. If you want to tell a story (yay!) see the notes at the bottom of this post. Saturday 24th August, 9.30pm in the Literature Venue. Theme: Growing up.


AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama




Those lovely folks at Greenbelt, Church Times and the Bloxham Festival are including a 10x9 for the festival this February (15-17 Feb 2013 in Bloxham).Our theme will be Courage.  You'll find more info about 10x9 at Bloxham by clicking on the logo. 10x9 at Bloxham will happen on Saturday 16th Feb at 9.15pm.

10x9 is a storytelling event from Belfast where 9 people have up to 10 minutes each to tell a real story from their lives. At Bloxham, we look forward to hearing stories of courage, small courage, big courage, lack of courage, curious courage... the courage to live, the courage we avoided, the courage we found unexpectedly, the irony of courage, the disapointment of courage.

If you're interested in telling your story at Bloxham, you might find it handy to read our tips for writing and telling your story.10x9 is about real people telling real stories from their lives - you can read or tell your story. It can be a poem, or you can even sing it. The format is simple: it must be a true story from your life; you can go no longer than 10 minutes (that's just a maximum, not a target!); and you must not harm anybody in the telling of your story. These stories are not told to create converts, to argue a point or to be clever. These will be stories of courage - human stories of human courage - courage speaks for itself.

10x9 makes a warm space for ordinary people to share, or listen to, rich stories of their lives. Contact us via our contact form, on facebook, or stalk us on twitter @tenx9. You can easily subscribe or unsubscribe  to/from our email list. 10x9 at Bloxham will be hosted by poet Pádraig Ó Tuama and journalist Paul Doran.



AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama

Hallo storytelling dearies. Well, welcome to 2013. We are looking forward to kicking off 10x9 after the Christmas break.Our next 10x9 is on Wednesday January 30th. Our theme is Surprise!


All kinds of surprise. We look forward to your stories. Check out the website for tips and tricks on writing and telling your story, and be in touch if you want to tell us a story of surprise, a surprising story, stories about unexpected, unwanted, unloved surprises, the world's best surprise or the world's worse surprise keeper.

See you at 7.30pm on January 30th in the Black Box,

Paul and Pádraig.

Contact us via our contact form, on facebook, or stalk us on twitter @tenx9. You can easily subscribe or unsubscribe  to/from our email list.

AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama