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This is Michael trying to blend into the Irish countryside.
Michael McRay spent a year in Belfast from 2012-2013. He's a friend of friends so I (Pádraig) picked him up when he arrived in Belfast. As part of payment for the petrol, I manipulated him into coming along to Tenx9, the mothership event of our Tenx9 world domination scheme.
Michael is a dangerous mixture of friendly, lovely and polite, so he couldn't refuse the manipulation. He came to Tenx9 Belfast every month while he lived here and found himself hooked. Lots of people - women and men - were hoping to hook Michael to Belfast, but he resisted and returned back to the States after his year here. But, he took Tenx9 with him. He runs it in Nashville, together with some other delicious people.
This is Michael trying to blend into the American countryside.
Michael has also run some Tenx9 events in prisons. If you want to talk with him about that, contact him through the Tenx9 Nashville contact page.