We are delighted to partner with Belfast Pride for a night of storytelling on July 30th in the Black Box. (It's free - doors open at 7.30, first story at 8pm). 

Tenx9 is an evening for true stories. We hear nine stories (of no more than ten minutes each) from different people, each telling something real from their lives that links in with the theme. We usually have about 90-100 people along, so nobody is put on the spot. Most storytelling spaces are filled before the night begins.

The theme for the night is 'Labels'. Labels you have had put on you, labels you've chosen, labels you love, labels you hate, labels you wear and labels you avoid. It's a night for story - not rant!

We started Tenx9 in Belfast three years ago, and now there are 8 locations of Tenx9 around the world. We love it. If this is your first tenx9, you're very welcome! Tenx9 is a great evening of true stories with lovely audiences and strange people telling strange stories to strangers. 

If you want to tell a story, have a read of our tips for writing and tips for telling. If you think you have a story that fits these categories and you'd like to share, get in touch with us via our contact page. Looking forward to hearing from you.