We have taken a break this summer from our usual monthly Tenx9 sessions. But we have done a few events at festivals - we had a delicious night up on the north coast hearing stories about Sierra Leone, the civil rights movement, ridealongs with police, stories about sorry, stories about the early days of Corrymeela - lovely.
So - we are thrilled that Tenx9 will have THREE EVENTS at Greenbelt this year.
The idea is simple. Tenx9 invites nine people to have up to ten minutes each to tell a real story (not fiction!) from their lives. The themes are:
Paradise Found (Saturday 9.30pm at the Hub - literature venue - at Greenbelt)
Paradise Lost (Sunday 10pm at the Hub - literature venue - at Greenbelt)
Friendship. (Monday 9am at the Hub - literature venue - at Greenbelt - this event is for younger people - and we are imagining that we will have 9 stories of about 5 minutes each)
Are you interested? Your story can be very very loosely based on the theme - or you can just come along with a damn good story that has the words of the theme somewhere in it and we will look forward to it.
If you're interested - send us an email (tenbynine [at] gmail [dot] com) or else fill in one of the contact us forms here.
There are tips for writing your story and tips for telling your story.
We can't wait to hear your story at Greenbelt's Tenx9 nights. Be in touch! You can find the event by putting in "Tenx9 storytelling sessions at Greenbelt" into Facebook, or email us on tenbynine [at] gmail [dot] com or send us a tweet @tenx9
See you in the field.