We had a great evening tonight hearing stories of Grandparents. And what a raft of stories. Wonderful. 

The best way to hear about it is through the tweets:

My granny - ouija boards, sandwiches & brown sauce, shared Valium, five foot woman from the linen mill. 

Unforgiving grannies and ouija boards, making up and stories of tough women. Paul H's story is amazing. 

"I am with my dad and my grandad. We are all called 'Robert'. An emergency incident may cause a lot of confusion."

Here is Jenn and the images of her grandmother's ideal "Church Media Librarian".

Here is Jenn and the images of her grandmother's ideal "Church Media Librarian".

Now Jenn telling the story about her Grammy- Addie-Mae Sunday, church librarian.* 

"My granny would only let 'clean' people make the tea. And she'd make toast with a suggestion of butter."

Now Tori is charming us with stories of Dot the unconventional granny, she who dressed up as a pregnant nun from time to time.

"It was a hot summer day when Dot taught us the alphabet of swear words. I was four, my brother six. 'A' is for 'arse'..."      

"Granny Mary swore by St Anthony, the patron saint of lost things, except she never swore." 

"In 1973, we took a day trip to Bundoran, which, compared to Buncrana, was practically exotic." #

I don't remember there ever being a fire in granny Orr's house, or hear, or light. She kept plants in the bath and never used it herself.

My grandparents had less money than my granda had common sense, which is saying a lot. 

Now Nuala McMenamin is doing sound impressions of her granda eating Spanish Meatballs (meat, onions and rice boiled in tomato soup) 

Thanks to Jenn, Robert, Paul, Colette, Tori, Nuala and Caroline - what amazing stories. 


Next month - December 17th - the theme is 'Gifts'.Head over to the events page for news and ideas. 




And tomorrow night we have a lovely Tenx9 with the CS Lewis Festival - come along if you're free. 



*If you're keen to see it, have a click through for the "Church Media Librarian" image that Jenn found in the well-stocked office of her grammy. 

Finally, if you're keen - and have a cúpla focail -  tune into Blas on BBC Radio Ulster on Monday to hear a bit about Tenx9. 

We asked 

AuthorPádraig Ó Tuama