What a spectacular night at Tenx9. Our theme was 'Dates' and we had stories about failed dates in Belfast, dates Tyrone-style, escapades on the 8th floor of a carpark, judging dates based on wearing double-denim, dates of trips overseas, tips for internet dating, dates that turn into not-dates, letters to lovers and diary dates. Thanks to Seán, Moyra, Neil, Caroline, Cici, Jason, Denise and Linda. A spectacular night of Tenx9. And the room was packed. Some choice quotes below. Our next night is March 26, the theme is 'Belfast'.
There were two walls. Not peace walls. A big wall and a wee wall. #tenx9dates
There was a guy living near us. We'll call him "John". We'll call him that because that's his name. #tenx9dates
To say that I was underwhelmed with his gift would be to make the understatement of 1986. #tenx9dates
He gave me a bulb (you light up my life) and a potato (you're a good spud). We never shared another Christmas. #tenx9dates
I think I might be falling in love with her, I said. It was the first time I ever used the word. #tenx9dates
I wanted to boast so I said I'd taken all kinds of drugs, including laxatives. She said 'That must be why you're talking shite then'. #tenx9dates
Level 8 in the carpark was the graveyard where all the late people went. #tenx9dates
My date arrived to pick me up in a dilapidated brown mini with a hole in the floor and a pair of tights by the passenger seat #tenx9dates
He asked me for my number, and I said 'you give me yours' and he said 'you won't call'. #tenx9dates
I hit the 'update profile' on my internet dating site and my god, was I new meat to a sea full of plenty of pirhanas #tenx9dates
I walked up to a man and said "Hi John, it's me!" He said "Umm, it's Michael and I'm waiting on a bus. #tenx9dates
He insisted on making me watch a gazillion youtube videos when i came over. I think it's a guy-thing. #tenx9dates
Missing someone you love is like bacterial conjunctivitis. you know you'll survive it. #tenx9dates
There was a bomb last night, and I'm knitting mittens. #tenx9dates